ELIOT partners were active in two task groups. 802.15.13 was lead by Volker Jungnickel (HHI). Kai Lennert Bober (HHI) presented new text on the MAC. He was also elected as Technical Editor for finalizing the draft. The group has closed all TBDs in the MAC and only few items left on PHYs. TG13 also prepared a liaison letter to ITU-T Q18/15 to obtain copyright for it‘s High-bandwidth PHY using G.9991. TGbb reconsidered the two full PHY proposals. For the report, see https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/19/11-19-1704-00-00bb-meeting-minutes-for-september-2019-hanoi.docx. Volker Jungnickel (HHI) presented a joint contribution supported by other ELIOT partners summarizing the LC-optimized PHY, also including additional simulation results. TGbb agreed on a common mandatory mode based on 802.11ax SISO PHY and two optional modes based on 802.11ax and G.9991. Volker Jungnickel (HHI), acting as Technical Editor of TGbb, presented a first table of content for the 802.11 draft amendment.

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